The CIC Radar is where the CIC provides updates concerning important DOC and BOP activity. To stay up to date, join our mailing list to receive the Radar and the monthly Bulletin.
Maintenance at DOC (January 26, 2024)
Maintenance at DOC (January 10, 2024)
Death at CDF (January 4, 2024)
Death at CCB (October 23, 2023)
Death at DC Jail (September 27, 2023)
Death at CTF (August 23, 2023)
First Step Act Time Credits (August 16, 2023)
Death at DC Jail (July 20, 2023)
DC Jail Inspection (June 2023)
Repairs at DC Jail (February 1, 2023)
USP Pollock Resident Activity Update (January 23, 2023)
Update on Transfers at USP Pollock (October 31, 2022)
Transfers at USP Pollock (October 14, 2022)
Resident Death at the CDF (August 23, 2022)
Resident Deaths at USP Pollock (August 5, 2022)
Flooding and Sewage Issues at the Central Detention Facility (July 19, 2022)
Update on COVID-19 at VOA Chesapeake (May 26, 2022)