The CIC will conduct an on-site inspection of USP McCreary in Pine Knot, Kentucky, on October 23, 2015.
During the inspection, the CIC will tour the facility, evaluate programming, and speak with inmates and staff. All DC inmates at the facility may request a confidential interview with the CIC to discuss their experiences at USP Lee, including the conditions of confinement, programming, and related items. If an individual at USP Lee would like to speak with the CIC, they should email, call, or write to the CIC using the address below, and they will be put on the call-out sheet on the day of the inspection.
The CIC also encourages any other individuals with knowledge about the conditions of confinement at USP Lee to contact the CIC with their experiences or information.
All information is kept confidential and anonymous. The CIC may include information from interviews in published reports, but the names and identifying information of DC residents will be kept anonymous. The CIC does not give out specific names or confidential information to any person, any agency, or the government without the express permission of the provider of the information.
Disclaimer: The DC Corrections Information Council (CIC) is mandated to inspect and monitor prisons, jails and contract facilities of the Federal Bureau of Prisons and DC Department of Corrections. The CIC does not handle individual complaints, and it does not act as a personal attorney or provide legal representation or advice.