As part of its mandate to inspect Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP) facilities housing incarcerated DC residents, the DC Corrections Information Council (CIC) will conduct an onsite inspection of USP Pollock, a high security men’s prison in Pollock, Louisiana, on December 14-15, 2017. USP Pollock has about 48 men who were convicted of DC Criminal Code offenses. The CIC urges you to contact the CIC if you have any information you’d like to share regarding this facility.
During the inspection, the CIC will tour the facility, evaluate programming, and speak with DC residents and staff. Prior to the inspection, the CIC will have sent requests to incarcerated DC residents at the facility, requesting confidential one-on-one interviews with a CIC representative. The CIC will endeavor to speak to each DC resident who is willing and available to speak with us during our visit.
If you are aware of an individual at USP Pollock who would like to speak with the CIC, email, call or write to the CIC so that we can place him on the our list of interviewees on the days of the inspection. The CIC also encourages anyone with knowledge about the conditions of confinement at this facility to contact us with their experiences or information.
Corrections Information Council, 2901 14th St NW, Ground Floor, Washington, DC 20009
Phone: (202) 478-9211
Email: [email protected]
All names and identifying information are kept confidential and anonymous unless expressly permitted by the individuals or required by law. Disclaimer: The CIC is an independent oversight body mandated by Congress and the DC Council to inspect, monitor, and report on the conditions of confinement in correctional facilities where individuals from DC are incarcerated. The CIC does not handle individual complaints, and we do not act as a personal attorney or provide legal representation or advice.