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USP Lewisburg SMU Inspection Report and BOP response - April 6, 2018

Friday, April 6, 2018

The Federal Bureau of Prison’s (BOP) Special Management Unit (SMU) serves as a behavioral modification program for inmates with unique security and management concerns. Currently, USP Lewisburg houses all inmates designated to the SMU. As of April 2, 2018, USP Lewisburg held 99 men convicted of DC Criminal Code offenses. 

On February 10, 2017, the CIC conducted a follow-up inspection of the SMU program, after changes to the program were implemented in August 2016. The CIC spoke with some of the 83 DC men then incarcerated there, in person and via phone in February 2017. During the subsequent ten months, the CIC continued to receive reports and information related to SMU, which are also referenced in this report. The BOP Response is published in toto along with the CIC report, here.

The first CIC report on USP Lewisburg, published in November 2015, can also be found on the CIC website. 

The CIC thanks its staff, board members, interns, volunteers, Federal Bureau of Prisons Central Office and facility staff, incarcerated DC residents and their loved ones who have contributed to this report.