The DC Department of Corrections (DOC) operates two jail facilities: the Correctional Treatment Facility (CTF), and the Central Detention Facility also known as the DC Jail (CDF). The facilities are located adjacent to one another in southeast Washington, D.C. The DOC also operates the Central Cell Block (CCB) which is located at 300 Indiana Avenue Northwest, Washington, D.C. This inspection covered the CDF and CCB.
Throughout the 2020 fiscal year, the District of Columbia was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Consequently, the CIC was unable to physically go into DOC facilities due to health concerns, but was still able to communicate with residents via written correspondence, phone calls, and family members. In fiscal year 2021, the CIC was able to perform a site visit and talk to staff and residents face to face, interviewing them about their conditions and experiences in custody and at work. Following the site visit, CIC conducted its onsite inspection of CDF on May 4, 2021, and CCB on May 5, 2021.
At this time, the CIC is still awaiting a response from the DOC. The DOC’s response will be posted along with this report when it is received.