On March 26, 2019, the CIC provided testimony in support of Bill 23-0127, the “Second Look Amendment Act of 2019.” The newly proposed legislation allows an inmate who both committed a crime while under the age of 25 years and has served at least 15 years of incarceration – the ability to petition the court for a sentencing reduction hearing. CIC Executive Director Donald L. Isaac, Sr. presented to the District of Columbia’s Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety. He addressed how cognitive science supports why the eligibility age of hearing candidates was increased from below 18 years old under the Incarcerated Reduction Amendment Act of 2016 to below 25 years old under the Second Look Amendment Act of 2019. The CIC strongly recommends that all candidates awaiting a sentencing reduction hearing are housed at the Department of Corrections’ Correctional Treatment Facility, while receiving opportunities for continued programming. The CIC also strongly recommends in-depth life skills orientations and trainings, which teach candidates the fundamental skills required to thrive in society as a mature adult.
CIC Testimony - DC Council, March 26, 2019
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Support of Resentencing Hearing Bill 23-0127:The Second Look Amendment Act