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Issue Brief: LBGT+ Persons in Prison - June 30, 2016

Thursday, June 30, 2016
Rainbow Flag Photo by KG

In observance of LGBT+ Pride Month, the D.C. Corrections Information Council (CIC) has prepared this issue brief, LGBT+ Persons in Prison, which provides an overview of issues that affect incarcerated LGBT+ individuals in the United States. The objective of this brief report is to bring a greater awareness of these issues and to promote the safety, well-being, and humane treatment of our incarcerated LGBT+ community.

Thanks to our summer intern from The Washington Center, Kara Ganyer, and all CIC staff and interns who participated in writing this report. Also, a special thanks to George R. Brown, MD, Associate Chair of Psychiatry at East Tennessee State University, and Andie Moss, President, The Moss Group, for their time and input.